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Simulation Result's for Collabrative Caching Zonal Routing Protocol (CCZRP) for Mobile Adhoc Network: A Research Paper

by Vivek M Gulhane, D. N. Chaudhari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 112 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Vivek M Gulhane, D. N. Chaudhari

Vivek M Gulhane, D. N. Chaudhari . Simulation Result's for Collabrative Caching Zonal Routing Protocol (CCZRP) for Mobile Adhoc Network: A Research Paper. International Journal of Computer Applications. 112, 3 ( February 2015), 8-15. DOI=10.5120/19644-1231

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In understanding of how individual quality patterns form and impact the social network is proscribed, however it is important for a deeper understanding of network dynamics and evolution. This question is basically unknown, partly, as a result of the issue in getting large-scale society-wide information that at the same time capture the high-powered info on individual movements and social interactions. Human quality patterns are complicated and distinct from one person to another. Nonetheless, actuated by tremendous potential advantages of modeling such patterns in sanctioning new mobile services and technologies, researchers have tried to capture salient characteristics of human quality. during this implementation paper discuss various routing protocols used for human quality model i. e. DSR, AODV, CHAMP and try to project a protocol for human quality model i. e. CCZRP (Collaborative Caching with Zonal Routing Protocol). Within the projected protocol use human quality model on CCZRP, CHAMP and DSR simulated on NS2 software system and compare them using different parameters.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Human mobility Link Prediction Routing Parameters of Human Mobility Social Network CCZRP Routing Protocol