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Quality Assurance of Security Requirement Engineering in Socio- Technical Systems

by Rida Zainab, Sundas Ashfaq, Mehreen Sirshar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 111 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Rida Zainab, Sundas Ashfaq, Mehreen Sirshar

Rida Zainab, Sundas Ashfaq, Mehreen Sirshar . Quality Assurance of Security Requirement Engineering in Socio- Technical Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 111, 9 ( February 2015), 35-42. DOI=10.5120/19567-1335

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Quality assurance is a continuous process to check whether specified requirements are being fulfilled by a system or service. Quality assurance checks for the defects before they get into the final product. In this research a comprehensive survey of various literatures has been carried out to ensure quality standards. Different quality assurance techniques have been employed in this research that help in improving the quality of the socio technical systems from the perspective of security requirement engineering. The analysis of various type of literature reveals that after applying techniques presented in the literature review shows improvement in the performance of the socio technical systems. Tropos, SeeCo (Security via commitments), formative user centered evaluation technique, three-layer framework, Si*(Secure i*) ontology are the different techniques discussed throughout the research that ensures the quality standards. Some of the quality evaluation tools like STS- tool and STS-ml are also used in the research for quality assurance. This research also assesses the improvements of security requirement engineering in socio technical systems after applying Quality evaluation techniques.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Quality Assurance Socio technical systems Tropos SeeCo (Security via commitments) Si*(Secure i*) ontology Security Requirement Engineering