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Reseach Article

Poverty Eradication Inspired Computing

by Monday Eze
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 110 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Monday Eze

Monday Eze . Poverty Eradication Inspired Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 110, 7 ( January 2015), 26-31. DOI=10.5120/19331-0867

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This work is a foundational research, aimed at drawing the attention of computer scientists to poverty eradication as a serious global concern. It provides requisite system conceptualizations for more vigorous actions against poverty through the application of computing. In it, the researcher attempts to build a framework for the emergence of a new computing frontier tagged "Poverty Eradication Inspired Computing". Quite a number of complex human problems have been solved in the past through the application of Computer Science and Information Technology. An increased focus of computing towards poverty eradication is therefore expected to yield more impressive results. Poverty Eradication Inspired Computing as proposed in this work refers to computing efforts borne out of a strong desire to eradicate poverty. It is an emerging field which stresses the use of computing as a tool for anti-poverty drive. This research introduces the Hexagonal Model, and uses it to outline the core functional domains for the application of Poverty Eradication Inspired Computing. Corruption Eradication Inspired Computing, National Poverty Discovery Database, Agric Inspired Computing and a number of other related new system concepts are all explained in this research. Since the issue under study is an open and evolving one, this work makes some recommendations as well as calls for inputs from other researchers who share similar concerns. The overall objective is to fully eradicate poverty through the application of Computer Science and Information Technology.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


PERI Computing Foundational Research Computational Framework Poverty Eradication Inspired Computing.