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Article:Analysis of Productivity Gain in Incremental Effort Estimation

by Devesh Kumar Srivastava, Durg Singh Chauhan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 11 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Devesh Kumar Srivastava, Durg Singh Chauhan

Devesh Kumar Srivastava, Durg Singh Chauhan . Article:Analysis of Productivity Gain in Incremental Effort Estimation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 11, 9 ( December 2010), 6-9. DOI=10.5120/1613-2169

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This paper presents the framework for incremental Effort based development in order to analysis the productivity gain in Effort based development. Effort estimation is a challenge in every software project. The estimates will impact costs and expectations on schedule, functionality and quality. While expert estimates are widely used, they are difficult to analyze and the estimation quality depends on the experience of experts from similar projects. Alternatively, more formal estimation models can be used. Traditionally, software size estimated in the number of Source Lines of Code (SLOC), Function Points (FP) and Object Points (OP) are used as input to these models. Models that predict product size as an exponential function of the development effort are used in the paper to explore the relationships between effort and the number of increments. The author mainly focus what will be effect on productivity rate on incremental development and how duration for incremental software development vary .For incremental development the author estimate the cumulative effort gain against effort estimation . This research paper will be helpful to get productivity rate against incremental effort estimation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Kilo line of source code Estimation models Effort Business Process outsourcing (BPO)