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Article:Security Constraint Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) ñ A Comprehensive Survey

by Mithun Bhaskar M, Srinivas Muthyala, Sydulu Maheswarapu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 11 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Mithun Bhaskar M, Srinivas Muthyala, Sydulu Maheswarapu

Mithun Bhaskar M, Srinivas Muthyala, Sydulu Maheswarapu . Article:Security Constraint Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) ñ A Comprehensive Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications. 11, 6 ( December 2010), 42-52. DOI=10.5120/1583-2122

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This paper reviews the existing developments in Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) from 1960’s to till date. Diverse schemes and approaches on Single Area/Multi-area, Algorithms, Contingency Selection, Steady and Dynamic SCOPF, Artificial Intelligence based SCOPF, Real time and SCOPF using Parallel/Distributed Processing, Economic Dispatch with Security Constraints, Decentralized SCOPF, Voltage Constrained SCOPF (VSCOPF), Incorporation of FACTS on SCOPF studies and Literatures on Applications of SCOPF etc., are appraised in a structured manner chronologically with detailed reviews on the strategies and the test systems used for the analysis are reported. A brief summary of the existing stratagems and test system data which can be retrieved are given in the conclusion for easy access of researchers.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Optimal Power Flow Optimization Techniques Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) Security Analysis Flexible AC Transmission System