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Article:Design and Development of a Stemmer for Punjabi

by Dinesh Kumar, Prince Rana
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 11 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Dinesh Kumar, Prince Rana

Dinesh Kumar, Prince Rana . Article:Design and Development of a Stemmer for Punjabi. International Journal of Computer Applications. 11, 12 ( December 2010), 18-23. DOI=10.5120/1634-2196

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Stemming is the process of removing the affixes from inflected words, without doing complete morphological analysis. A stemming Algorithm is a procedure to reduce all words with the same stem to a common form [20]. It is useful in many areas of computational linguistics and information-retrieval work. This technique is used by the various search engines to find the best solution for a problem. The algorithm is a basic building block for the stemmer. Stemmer is basically used in information retrieval system to improve the performance .The paper present a stemmer for Punjabi, which uses a brute force algorithm. We also use a suffix stripping technique in our paper. Similar techniques can be used to make stemmer for other languages such as Hindi, Bengali and Marathi. The result of stemmer is good and it can be effective in information retrieval system. This stemmer also reduces the problem of over-stemming and under-stemming.

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  10. Jiaul H. Paik and Swapan K. Parui (2008) “A Simple Stemmer for Inflectional Languages” Journal of Documentation, Vol No.61 Issue No.4, pp. 476 – 496.
  11. Muhamad Taufik Abdullah†, Fatimah Ahmad†, Ramlan Mahmod† and Tengku Mohd Tengku Sembok (2009) “Rules Frequency Order Stemmer for Malay Language” IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol No.9, Issue No.2, pp 433-438.
  12. Miguel E. Ruiz and Bharath Dandala (2010) “Evaluating Stemmers and Retrieval Fusion Approaches for Hindi: UNT at FIRE 2010” URL:http:// ~fire/paper_2010 /MiguelRuiz-unt-fire-2010.pdf
  13. Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan and Durgesh D Rao “A Lightweight Stemmer for Hindi” In Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), on Computatinal Linguistics for South Asian Languages (Budapest, Apr.) Workshop,pp 42-48
  14. Abduelbaset M. GOoweder, Husien A. Alhammi , Tarik Rashed,and Abdulsalam Musrati “ A Hybrid Method for Stemming Arabic Text ” Journal of computer Science,URL:
  15. Samir Abdou and Patrick Ruck and Jacques Savoy (2005) “ Evaluation of Stemming, Query Expansion and Manual Indexing Approaches for the Genomic Task “NIST Special Publication :SP 500-266 The Fourteenth Text Retrieval Conference(TREC 2005) Proceedings ,URL:
  16. James Mayfield and Paul McNamee “Single N-gram Stemming” SIGIR 2003: Proceedings of the 26th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, July 28 - August 1, 2003, Toronto, Canada,pp 415-416 .
  17. Marie-Claire Jenkins, Dan Smith, “Conservative stemming for search and indexing” School of Computing Sciences.University Of East-Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJUK,!stemmer25feb.pdf.
  18. Hayder K. Al Ameed, Shaikha O. Al Ketbi, Amna A. Al Kaabi, Khadija S. Al Shebli,Naila F. Al Shamsi, Noura H. Al Nuaimi, Shaikha S. Al Muhairi “Arabic Light Stemmer: A New Enhanced Approach” The Second International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT’05) URL: 1002/asi.21247/pdf.
  19. Ghassan Kanan,Mohammad Ababney,Riyad Al Shalabi,Alla Nal Nobani”Building an effective rule based light Stemmer Arabic language to improve search effectiveness “Arab Academy for banking and financial science,Al balka Applied university,pp. 312-316,, no.3no.3/12-Haidar.pdf,
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Stemmer Stemming Brute Force Algorithm Suffix Striping Under-stemming Over-stemming Stemming Algorithm