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Article:A Method of Computing with Words to Answer Queries in Relational Database

by Smita Rajpal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 11 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Smita Rajpal

Smita Rajpal . Article:A Method of Computing with Words to Answer Queries in Relational Database. International Journal of Computer Applications. 11, 11 ( December 2010), 13-17. DOI=10.5120/1628-2189

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In this paper we are proposing a new method of intelligent search based on the concept of computing with words introduced by Prof. Zadeh[1] in 1996 to find the most suitable match for the predicates to answer any imprecise query made by the database users. The method is based on the theory of Computing with Words (CW). It is also to be mentioned that the proposed method could be easily incorporated in the existing commercial query languages of DBMS to serve the lay users better. So in this Paper Author is suggesting a new method called as α-CW-equality Search to answer the queries of Relational database based on ranks.

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  4. Biazzo V., Gilio A., and Sanfilippo G., Efficient Coherence Checking and Propagation of Imprecise Probability Assessments (working paper), 1999.
  5. R. Cavallo and M. Pittarelli (1987). ”The theory of probabilistic database”. In Proceedings of the 13th VLBDB Conference. brighton, Eng., 71-78.
  6. D. Dey and S. Sarkar (1996). ”A probabilistic relational model”. ACM Trans. Database Systems,21, (3), 394-405.
  7. C. R´e, N. Dalvi, and D. Suciu. Efficient top-k query evaluation on probabilistic data. In Proceedings of ICDE, 2007.
  8. C. R´e and D. Suciu. Efficient evaluation of having queries on a probabilistic database. Technical Report TR2007-06-01, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, June 2007
  9. Smita Rajpal, M.N.Doja and Ranjit Biswas, A Method of Neutrosophic Logic to Answer Queries in Relational Database, JCS, Vol.4(4): 309-314 ,USA, 2008.
  10. Smita Rajpal, M.N.Doja and Ranjit Biswas, A Method of Imprecise Query Solving, IJCSNS, Vol. 8 No. 6 pp. 133-139,South Korea,June2008.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Probabilistic database Computing with Words (CW) α-CW-equality Search CW-Proximity Search CW search