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Article:Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol and Congestion Control Protocol in Wireless Multi-hop Networks

by Bhavana Narain, V. K. Patle, Sanjay Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 11 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Bhavana Narain, V. K. Patle, Sanjay Kumar

Bhavana Narain, V. K. Patle, Sanjay Kumar . Article:Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol and Congestion Control Protocol in Wireless Multi-hop Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 11, 1 ( December 2010), 40-42. DOI=10.5120/1544-2052

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Computer networks have long suffered from congestion. Congestion occurs when an increase in the offered load results in a decrease in the effective throughput of the network. The basic cause is that the short term packet arrival rate at some gateway exceeds its service rate. Existing congestion control schemes treat congestion as an individual problem and propose ad hoc solution that are dissatisfied. Wireless multi-hop networks have many potential applications, e.g., a small stand-alone network for group of mobile users (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks), a cost efficient stub-network to connect to the Internet (Wireless Mesh Networks), or a self-organized community network connecting houses together (Wireless Community Networks). We approach the problem from a different perspective: In this paper, we selected WXCP, CALC, WCP, WCCP congestion control protocols and conceptual study of DSR, AOMDV routing protocols for multi-hop networks. Subsequently we relax some of the assumptions and generalize the solution in terms of throughput and number of hops.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Congestion control routing protocol Wireless multi-hop network