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A Novel Adaptive Compression Technique for Dealing with Corrupt Bands and High Levels of Band Correlations in Hyperspectral Images Based on Binary Hybrid GA-PSO for Big Data Compression

by S.Kargozar Nahavandy, P. Ghamisi, L. Kumar, M. S. Couceiro
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 109 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: S.Kargozar Nahavandy, P. Ghamisi, L. Kumar, M. S. Couceiro

S.Kargozar Nahavandy, P. Ghamisi, L. Kumar, M. S. Couceiro . A Novel Adaptive Compression Technique for Dealing with Corrupt Bands and High Levels of Band Correlations in Hyperspectral Images Based on Binary Hybrid GA-PSO for Big Data Compression. International Journal of Computer Applications. 109, 8 ( January 2015), 18-25. DOI=10.5120/19208-0915

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title = { A Novel Adaptive Compression Technique for Dealing with Corrupt Bands and High Levels of Band Correlations in Hyperspectral Images Based on Binary Hybrid GA-PSO for Big Data Compression },
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%A P. Ghamisi
%A L. Kumar
%A M. S. Couceiro
%T A Novel Adaptive Compression Technique for Dealing with Corrupt Bands and High Levels of Band Correlations in Hyperspectral Images Based on Binary Hybrid GA-PSO for Big Data Compression
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Hyperspectral sensors generate useful information about cli-mate and the earth's surface in numerous contiguous narrow spectral bands, being widely used in resource management, agriculture, environmental monitoring, among others. The compression of hyperspectral data helps in long-term storage and transmission systems. This paper introduces a new adap-tive compression method for hyperspectral data. The method is based on separating the bands with different specifications by the histogram analysis and Binary Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Particle Swarm Optimization (BHGAPSO). The new proposed method improves the compression ratio of the best-known JPEG standards, saves storage space, and speeds up the transmission system. The proposed method is applied on two different test cases, and the results are evaluated and compared with a few powerful compression techniques, such as lossless JPEG and JPEG2000. The results confirm that the proposed method is accurate, simple and fast, which can be useful for big data (i. e, a high volume of data) processing.

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  22. P. Ghamisi, J. A. Benediktsson, Feature Selection Based on Hybridization of Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 309-313, Feb. 2015.
  23. P. Ghamisi, "A Novel Method for Segmentation of Re-mote Sensing Images based on Hybrid GA-PSO", Inter-national Journal of Computer Applications, 29(2):7-14, September 2011. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
  24. P. Ghamisi, F. Sepehrband, L. Kumar, M. S. Couceiro, Fernando M. L. Martins, A New Method for Compres-sion of Remote Sensing Images Based on Enhanced Dif-ferential Pulse Code Modulation Transformation, Science Asia, 39 (5), 449-455.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Remote sensing Hyperspectral images Image compression Transformation Binary Hybrid GA-PSO.