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Efficient Dynamic Index Structure for Natural Number Intensive Application

by Mayank Patel, Bhavesh Parmar, Yatrik Patel, Hiren Joshi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 109 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Mayank Patel, Bhavesh Parmar, Yatrik Patel, Hiren Joshi

Mayank Patel, Bhavesh Parmar, Yatrik Patel, Hiren Joshi . Efficient Dynamic Index Structure for Natural Number Intensive Application. International Journal of Computer Applications. 109, 4 ( January 2015), 13-20. DOI=10.5120/19176-0650

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title = { Efficient Dynamic Index Structure for Natural Number Intensive Application },
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Wide range of indexing techniques exists in the world of relational database. Speed of data insertion & retrieval depends on the type of query and available Indexing mechanism. Prevalent mechanisms lack in terms of space-time efficiency and simple structure, for real time applications where the database system needs to handle queries like equality search & range search. Even for simple tasks like getting data by ID, a system imposes heavy resource utilization. For example, Applications such as, telephone directory, transaction information details in banking, status about railway reservation etc. , backed with relational database system that employs complex structure like B-Tree or B+-Tree. Hence in such cases, instead of those complex structures, if some lighter technique can be used, which can greatly enhance the overall performance in terms of memory usage and simpler in terms of working & implementation. The paper presents how the Proposed Technique can significantly impact the overall performance, if applied as Primary Indexing method for range search & equality search queries.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Natural numbers Dynamic index structure Indexing Database management system.