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Reseach Article

Image Re-Ranking by Analyzing GLCM and Color Features

by Praveen Mishra, G. S. Prajapati
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 109 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Praveen Mishra, G. S. Prajapati

Praveen Mishra, G. S. Prajapati . Image Re-Ranking by Analyzing GLCM and Color Features. International Journal of Computer Applications. 109, 16 ( January 2015), 24-28. DOI=10.5120/19272-0905

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With the growth of internet visual data like images are increase with every minute. Now this increase of data has attract many researchers for searching the relevant images from the collection. In this paper focus is on the re-ranking of images by utilizing the visual features. So given a visual query in form of an image is done and base on that relevant image retrieval, are done with their proper ranking. Here searching is done on the basis of the visual feature values obtain from the query image on the dataset each image similar visual feature values those images whose similarity is same is consider as relevant and the most similar images is ranked first then next as second, other are done in similar fashion. Results shows that combination of feature give more effective results as compare to single one.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital Image Processing Information Extraction feature extraction Re-ranking.