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An Approach to Workflow Scheduling using Priority in Cloud Computing Environment

by P. Kumar, V. Anandarangan, A. Reshma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 109 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: P. Kumar, V. Anandarangan, A. Reshma

P. Kumar, V. Anandarangan, A. Reshma . An Approach to Workflow Scheduling using Priority in Cloud Computing Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 109, 11 ( January 2015), 32-38. DOI=10.5120/19236-1008

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Cloud Computing delivers computing resources as a service over a network (Internet) to the customers. The tasks or jobs of the users would require to be executed in a particular order to complete the whole task. Workflow scheduling manages the execution of the inter-dependent tasks on the distributed resources. Workflow scheduling algorithms are used to allocate the resources to workflow tasks in a manner that preserves the dependency constraints. At the same time, the tasks must be scheduled efficiently in order to minimize the execution time as well as cost incurred in using the heterogeneous resources of the cloud. This paper proposes a multiple criteria decision making model for scheduling tasks based on priority and cost.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Priority Cost Workflow Scheduling.