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Content Identification using Video Fingerprint based on Video Classification

by Kulbhushan Abasaheb Choure, Anilkumar N. Holambe
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 109 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Kulbhushan Abasaheb Choure, Anilkumar N. Holambe

Kulbhushan Abasaheb Choure, Anilkumar N. Holambe . Content Identification using Video Fingerprint based on Video Classification. International Journal of Computer Applications. 109, 1 ( January 2015), 45-50. DOI=10.5120/19156-0598

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title = { Content Identification using Video Fingerprint based on Video Classification },
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issue_date = { January 2015 },
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Internet usage has drastically increased in recent years. Based on the topic a tool for video content identification and video classification is presented. Tool uses MPEG-7 standard. Thus video streams are easily available in various forms. One must appreciate text-based search engines for immediate access to such a vast multimedia data on web. But currently, only text-based search engines are obtainable. So a tool that will search for a unique content in the video not in the name of the video is proposed. Tool will make use of video fingerprint. Video Fingerprint is a unique identity of a video most commonly called as video signature. The video signature has numerous applications like distribution management, corporate or personal database management, rights management and monetization, metadata association, and usage monitoring. We will be making use of this Video content identification tool for implementation of Topic linking concept, a method of organizing contents based on topics, presentation videos and provides such efficient way of browsing, such as news programs. This in turn helps to categorize the video according to its possessed content and store and manage the multimedia data in an easy way.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Topiclinking VideoContentIdentification MPEG-7 Videofingerprint Videoclassification