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Reseach Article

Continuous Improvement - Development with Time

by Mashael Ali Haddas, Mona Hasan Asiri, Reham Faya Mukhalid, Salha Saeed Alahmari, Shatha Ali Al-qathtani, Syed Hamid Hasan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 108 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Mashael Ali Haddas, Mona Hasan Asiri, Reham Faya Mukhalid, Salha Saeed Alahmari, Shatha Ali Al-qathtani, Syed Hamid Hasan

Mashael Ali Haddas, Mona Hasan Asiri, Reham Faya Mukhalid, Salha Saeed Alahmari, Shatha Ali Al-qathtani, Syed Hamid Hasan . Continuous Improvement - Development with Time. International Journal of Computer Applications. 108, 8 ( December 2014), 35-39. DOI=10.5120/18935-0360

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%A Shatha Ali Al-qathtani
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This paper aims at providing an overview of the evolution, current research and the history of continuous improvement over time through reviewing the literature extensively. The paper covers the inception of continuous improvement and its evolution into today's worlds sophisticated methodologies. The research covers the well known programs of continuous improvement if not covering the entire plethora of the past and the present. It also covers the various tools used by the organizations for addressing the need of continuous improvement and thus may serve the purpose of reference for people who wish to pursue the field of continuous improvement and wants to know its development form its historical form to its modern day avatar. The paper is written in the form of a General review

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Evolution TQM Six Sigma Lean Production Quality Continuous improvement