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EDLT: An Extended DLT to Enhance Load Balancing in Cloud Computing

by Afife Fereydooni, Mahboubeh Shamsi, Mostafa Ghobaei Arani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 108 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Afife Fereydooni, Mahboubeh Shamsi, Mostafa Ghobaei Arani

Afife Fereydooni, Mahboubeh Shamsi, Mostafa Ghobaei Arani . EDLT: An Extended DLT to Enhance Load Balancing in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 108, 7 ( December 2014), 6-11. DOI=10.5120/18921-0263

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title = { EDLT: An Extended DLT to Enhance Load Balancing in Cloud Computing },
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%A Mostafa Ghobaei Arani
%T EDLT: An Extended DLT to Enhance Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
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In recent years, cloud computing has gained prominence and most companies are applying some kind of cloud computing technology in their company or part of it. Growing number of clients who are willing to use cloud services has made load balancing an eminent challenge in this field. A general approach to load balancing is the application of Divisible Load Theory (DLT). In DLT, the workload is divided among master systems. For their turn, master systems divide the load among their slave systems. This article presents an enhanced technique for load balancing based on DLT. Simulated results indicate that the expanded DLT reduces measurement/report time and shows an improved performance at a lower failure rate.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Load-balancing cloud computing Divisible Load Theory (DLT) efficiency failure rate