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Simultaneous Optimal Placement of DGs and Fixed Capacitor Banks in Radial Distribution Systems using BSA Optimization

by Meera Shareef Syed, Satish Kumar Injeti
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 108 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Meera Shareef Syed, Satish Kumar Injeti

Meera Shareef Syed, Satish Kumar Injeti . Simultaneous Optimal Placement of DGs and Fixed Capacitor Banks in Radial Distribution Systems using BSA Optimization. International Journal of Computer Applications. 108, 5 ( December 2014), 28-35. DOI=10.5120/18909-0207

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Nowadays the research on the integration of DG's and Capacitor banks in radial distribution system is going on, to meet the increased electricity demand and to improve the technical aspects like power loss reduction, voltage profile improvement etc. , where the major concerns are finding the optimal sizing of DG's and Capacitor banks and their locations. This paper presents application of new optimization algorithm; Backtracking Search Algorithm (BSA) to solve the optimal placement of both DG and fixed capacitor banks in order to reduce the power loss and improve voltage profile of distribution system. A detailed performance analysis is carried out on 33-bus and 69-bus radial distribution system to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and the results are compared with the GA/PSO, ICA/GA and Analytical approach which are available in the literature.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Distribution Generation (DG) Fixed Capacitor bank Backtracking search Algorithm (BSA).