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Design and Experimental Evaluation of PSO and PID Controller based Wireless Room Heating System

by Rajesh Singh, Piyush Kuchhal, Sushabhan Choudhury, Anita Gehlot
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 107 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Rajesh Singh, Piyush Kuchhal, Sushabhan Choudhury, Anita Gehlot

Rajesh Singh, Piyush Kuchhal, Sushabhan Choudhury, Anita Gehlot . Design and Experimental Evaluation of PSO and PID Controller based Wireless Room Heating System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 107, 5 ( December 2014), 15-22. DOI=10.5120/18746-9999

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title = { Design and Experimental Evaluation of PSO and PID Controller based Wireless Room Heating System },
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issue_date = { December 2014 },
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%A Sushabhan Choudhury
%A Anita Gehlot
%T Design and Experimental Evaluation of PSO and PID Controller based Wireless Room Heating System
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The paper presents the control of 1kw heaters in 10*10*10 cubic feet room area through ZigBee remote. ZigBee Remote is capable to set the desired temperature command to the heater node by the user. Heater node is having dimmer, processing unit and ZigBee modem . The four temperature node is placed in appropriate location in the room and capable to communicate the temperature information to the heater node. Heater node sends the optimized room temperature data which is collected from the four sensor nodes, to the remote. Remote contains the optimized room temperature data and having the facility to feed the desired temperature data to heater node. This will be an intelligent network in which heater node intelligently maintains the room temperature as set by the remote, using PID and Particle Swarm Optimizing (PSO) algorithm on collected data and adjust the voltage levels of heating elements. Remote, heater node and sensor node having communication ability with baud rate of 9600. sensor nodes are capable to communicate upto 30 meters and remote and heater node is 100 meters. The proposed heater system is an intelligent, low cost and energy efficient.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Heater node Intelligent network PSO PID Sensor node remote control sensor node Zigbee