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A Survey of Natural Language Query Builder Interface for Structured Databases using Dependency Parsing

by Rohini Kokare, Kirti H. Wanjale
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 107 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Rohini Kokare, Kirti H. Wanjale

Rohini Kokare, Kirti H. Wanjale . A Survey of Natural Language Query Builder Interface for Structured Databases using Dependency Parsing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 107, 5 ( December 2014), 9-14. DOI=10.5120/18745-9998

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title = { A Survey of Natural Language Query Builder Interface for Structured Databases using Dependency Parsing },
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%T A Survey of Natural Language Query Builder Interface for Structured Databases using Dependency Parsing
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

Natural language query builder interface retrieves the required data from database when query is given in natural language. To retrieve the correct data from database, the user should have sufficient technical knowledge of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements. Natural Language Query Builder Interface (NLQBI) will solve this problem. In natural language parsing, getting highly accurate syntactic analysis is a crucial step. Parsing of natural languages can be seen as the process of mapping an input string or a sentence to its syntactic representation. One of the parsing technique is dependency parsing. Dependency parsing focuses on relations between words which resolve ambiguity. Most of the recent ef?cient algorithms for dependency parsing work by factoring the dependency trees. Graph based dependency parsing models are prevalent in dependency parsing because of their state-of-art accuracy and efficiency. This paper covers some recent developments in NLQBI systems and survey on dependency parsing techniques.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Natural Language Query Builder Interface(NLQBI) Natural Language Processing(NLP) Dependency parsing Structured Query Language(SQL) Projective and Non-projective Dependency Parsing Data-driven Dependency Parsing Transition-based models Pseudo-projective parsing Graph based models Higher-order factorizations Span