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Reseach Article

Performance Evaluation of Fuzzy based Ontology System for Identification of Malaria Disease

by Nitesh Vyas, Parashu Ram Pal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 107 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Nitesh Vyas, Parashu Ram Pal

Nitesh Vyas, Parashu Ram Pal . Performance Evaluation of Fuzzy based Ontology System for Identification of Malaria Disease. International Journal of Computer Applications. 107, 19 ( December 2014), 9-14. DOI=10.5120/18857-8528

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title = { Performance Evaluation of Fuzzy based Ontology System for Identification of Malaria Disease },
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issue_date = { December 2014 },
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month = { December },
year = { 2014 },
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%T Performance Evaluation of Fuzzy based Ontology System for Identification of Malaria Disease
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

The disease identification from the symptoms and other detail is one of the important research area for researcher. The various ontology systems which relate the symptom and disease is evaluated by the researchers. Many time this system fail due to confusing symptom which make the fuzzy problem for classification. In this paper fuzzy based ontology system is presented. The fuzziness of the symptoms is solving by generating and optimizing the rule base. The Malaria disease has been used to evaluate the performance of classifier. The accuracy of classification on symptoms database is the key parameter used for performance evaluation of method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Fuzzy. Ontology XML Malaria Symptoms.