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Reseach Article

Car Accident Notification System based on Internet of Things

by Priyal Raut, Vanthana Sachdev
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 107 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Priyal Raut, Vanthana Sachdev

Priyal Raut, Vanthana Sachdev . Car Accident Notification System based on Internet of Things. International Journal of Computer Applications. 107, 17 ( December 2014), 29-31. DOI=10.5120/18845-0264

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title = { Car Accident Notification System based on Internet of Things },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
issue_date = { December 2014 },
volume = { 107 },
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month = { December },
year = { 2014 },
issn = { 0975-8887 },
pages = { 29-31 },
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%T Car Accident Notification System based on Internet of Things
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This paper proposes a distress call notification system using the Internet of Things and Cloud. It discusses the implementation of the proposed system using XBee WiFi module, Xbee Shield, GPS module, Seeeduino and crash sensors. The basic idea is to detect the occurrence of an accident using crash sensors, locate the exact position of the accident and communicate the co-ordinates of the location via Cloud using XBee WiFi to the nearest hospital.

  1. XBee Wi-Fi Modules Available at http://www. digikey. com/product-highlights/us/en/digi-international-xbee-wi-fi/108
  2. Seeeduino V0. 9bAvailable at http://ieee. rutgers. edu/system/files/Hello_Seeeduino. pdf
  3. Seeeduino V2. 21 Available at http://www. seeedstudio. com/depot/Seeeduino-V221-Atmega-168P-p-690. html
  4. How to use XBee and GPS with Arduino Uno Available at http://www. cooking-hacks. com/blog/tutorial-arduino-deluxe-pack
  5. XBee Module and Cloud Available at http://www. digi. com/xbee/
  6. XBee Wifi Embedded RF Modules Available at http://www. mouser. in/new/Digi-International/digixbeeWIFI/
  7. Luigi Atzori, Antonio Lera, Giacomo Morabito, 2010. Internet of Things: A Survey, Science Direct
  8. Luis Ostiz Urdiain, Carlos Pita Romero, Jeroen Doggen, Tims Dams, Patrick Van Houtven, 2012. Wireless Sensor Network Protocol for Smart Parking Application Experimental Study on the Arduino Platform, Ambient 2012, The Second International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies
  9. Mr. Akshay Keshwatkar, Mr. Vishwa V, Mr. John Williams. R, Ms. P. S. Smitha, 2014. Sensor Based Automated Accident Tracking System, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
  10. Ms. Kajal Nandaniya, Mr. Viraj Choksi, Dr. M. B. Potdar, 2014. Microcontroller Based Collision Detection and Warning System, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
  11. Placement of Crash Sensors Diagram (Figure 8)Available at http://www. tasanet. com/knowledgeCenterDetails. aspx?docTypeID=1&docCatID=41&docID=197
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Internet of Things Cloud Seeduino XBee WiFi GPS Crash Sensors Server