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Secure Profile Matching for Portable Public Networks

by M. Ramanjulu, M. Veeresh Babu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 107 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: M. Ramanjulu, M. Veeresh Babu

M. Ramanjulu, M. Veeresh Babu . Secure Profile Matching for Portable Public Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 107, 16 ( December 2014), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/18832-0331

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title = { Secure Profile Matching for Portable Public Networks },
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In portable public networks creation of the new connection is important service. Where an existing client can discover related users bounded by objects nearness of him/her. In Portable public networks we can provide connection to the best profile matching users only. In general all the peoples frequently fill the information for profile before login in any portable public network. In this paper the existing user can see all the profiles by using search option. Here the problem is the existing user can see the profiles of the unknown users and hack the information. In this paper we proposed the security to the user's profiles by using with malicious model. Here matching profiles will be display but non matching profiles will not display. The problem is even we search the known person profile that profile will not match to yours profile then we cannot see the profile. So to overcome the problem by sending a request to the known user, the user will accept the request then the profile will display.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Bluetooth Portable Public Networks HBC SMC.