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Reseach Article

The TRACALTOR: Automated Farm Area Calculator and Direction Monitoring

by Jyotsna Kadimi, Dheeraj Reddy J
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 106 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Jyotsna Kadimi, Dheeraj Reddy J

Jyotsna Kadimi, Dheeraj Reddy J . The TRACALTOR: Automated Farm Area Calculator and Direction Monitoring. International Journal of Computer Applications. 106, 5 ( November 2014), 29-32. DOI=10.5120/18518-9607

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The design aims for a cost-effective device in interest to the poor farmers of India in particular and any other country in general. The device is a combination of two parts namely; the area calculation and direction monitoring. The device is designed to calculate the area of the field being ploughed in different metric units in a click of a button while simultaneously assisting in the direction in which the user is heading and monitor for any path deviations. Majority farms require the plantation beds to be straight. The two parts are together displayed to the user on a screen and a series of colors are used to help keep a track on his navigation in order to achieve uniformity in the field being ploughed. The device aims for simplicity in usage and technique with respect to the user.

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  2. Electrondragon, "HMC5883L Three axis Compass Magneticfield Module," 1 June 2013. [Online]. Available:http://www. electrodragon. com/w/HMC5883L_Three-Axis_Compass_Magneticfield_Module Tavel, P. 2007 Modeling and Simulation Design. AK Peters Ltd.
  3. A. D. Thaler, "Arduino Project Log: Getting started with a Digital Compass," 7 January 2013. [Online]. Available: http://www. southernfriedscience. com/?p=14117
  4. Arduino. cc, "Arduino Uno," Arduino, [Online]. Available: http://arduino. cc/en/Main/arduinoBoardUno
  5. P. R. V. , "I2C Communication-Interfacing Sensors," 27 July 2013. [Online]. Available: http://www. induino. com/2013/07/i2c-communication-interfacing-sensors. html.
  6. "16X2 Serial LCD," Sunrom Technologies, [Online]. Available: http://www. sunrom. com/media/files/p/188/1159-datasheet. pdf.
  7. Bildr. org, "Interfacing Arduino and Digital compass," 27 February 2012. [Online]. Available: http://bildr. org/2012/02/hmc5883l_arduino/
  8. "MH183 Datasheet," Magnesensor Technology, [Online]. Available: http://www. rhydolabz. com/documents/datasheets/MH183%20Hall%20sensor. pdf.
  9. J. Blum, "Deboucing a button using Software," in Exploring Arduino-Tools and techniques for Engineering Wizardry, Indianapolis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 2013, p. 32.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Arduino Uno Area Deviation Direction Monitoring Drip Lines Hall sensor Plantation beds Ploughing Tilling I2C Protocol Digital Compass Magnets LED Disc Assembly Blink Pulses Button Debounce Interface.