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Effect of Scope Creep in Software Projects - Its Bearing on Critical Success Factors

by K. Lakshmi Madhuri, Jawahar J Rao, Suma V
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 106 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: K. Lakshmi Madhuri, Jawahar J Rao, Suma V

K. Lakshmi Madhuri, Jawahar J Rao, Suma V . Effect of Scope Creep in Software Projects - Its Bearing on Critical Success Factors. International Journal of Computer Applications. 106, 2 ( November 2014), 9-13. DOI=10.5120/18490-9533

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Quality software is developed only when project management techniques are meticulous followed. Various metrics are introduced by the industry experts to execute perfect project management. The success rate of the projects is very meek when compared to efforts and expertise of the technical experts. Various reasons pitch in the scenario when the project failure reasons are searched. Scope creep is considered as one of the important factor which influences the success of project. The influence of the scope creep on its peer factors such as time, cost, personnel, etc is also noticeable. However, Applications which are developed in the industry are categorized as critical and non critical applications. This paper presents an investigation carried out on two important domains namely health care representing critical application and retail from a non critical applications back ground. This research has proven that though there is an impact of scope creep on both the categories of applications investigation analysis indicates that the impact of scope creep on critical applications is quite noticeable than upon the other. This knowledge works enable one to formulate effective scope creep management strategy in both the domains and more specifically in critical applications.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Software Engineering Project Management Process Software Quality Scope Creep Software Development Life Cycle.