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A Failure Node Detection based on Discrete Selection in WSNs

by Aswini Kavarthapu, Narasimha Rao Sirivella
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 106 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Aswini Kavarthapu, Narasimha Rao Sirivella

Aswini Kavarthapu, Narasimha Rao Sirivella . A Failure Node Detection based on Discrete Selection in WSNs. International Journal of Computer Applications. 106, 15 ( November 2014), 33-37. DOI=10.5120/18599-9867

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In now days, wireless sensor networks applications are frequently used in various technologies for reducing the cost of manufacturing portable wireless sensor nodes. It trend to deploy the large number of portable wireless sensors in WSNs to increase the quality of service (QoS). The QoS is mainly affected by the life time and failure of sensor nodes. If the probability of sensor node failure increase with increase in number of sensor nodes. To maintain the better QoS under failure conditions, identifying and removing such fault sensor nodes are compulsory. In the proposed method faulty sensor node is detected by discrete path selection technique by compare the actual RTT with present RTT. This method is simulated in NS2 on WSNs with eight sensor nodes designed using circular topology.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WSNs round trip time round trip path Faulty sensor node Malfunctioning sensor node.