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Context Dependent Logo Detection and Recognition based on Context Dependent Similarity Kernel

by Ch.divya Susmitha, L.padmalatha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 106 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Ch.divya Susmitha, L.padmalatha

Ch.divya Susmitha, L.padmalatha . Context Dependent Logo Detection and Recognition based on Context Dependent Similarity Kernel. International Journal of Computer Applications. 106, 11 ( November 2014), 45-47. DOI=10.5120/18568-9921

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title = { Context Dependent Logo Detection and Recognition based on Context Dependent Similarity Kernel },
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Graphics detection and recognition are fundamental research problems in document image analysis and retrieval. Logo detection and recognition continues to be of great interest to the document retrieval community as it enables effective identification of the source of a document. From the past analysis, this paper is going to implement novel technique which can match and recognize different instances of different reference logos in images. Reference logos and text images are verified depending on some features like regions, interest points etc &by decreasing the energy function the logos can be recognized, feature matching quality is measured by fidelity term, geometry co-occurrence of a feature can be obtained by neighborhood criterion and smoothness of the matching solution is controlled by a regularization term. This paper also introduces a technique which is a novel detection method and is implemented using MATLAB and results are shown.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Logo detection logo recognition context dependent similarity kernel