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Distributed Text-to-Image Encryption Algorithm

by Abusukhon Ahmad, Talib Mohammad, Hani Mahmoud Almimi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 106 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Abusukhon Ahmad, Talib Mohammad, Hani Mahmoud Almimi

Abusukhon Ahmad, Talib Mohammad, Hani Mahmoud Almimi . Distributed Text-to-Image Encryption Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 106, 1 ( November 2014), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/18481-9518

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author = { Abusukhon Ahmad, Talib Mohammad, Hani Mahmoud Almimi },
title = { Distributed Text-to-Image Encryption Algorithm },
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issue_date = { November 2014 },
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%A Hani Mahmoud Almimi
%T Distributed Text-to-Image Encryption Algorithm
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Data encryption techniques are used to protect data against hackers. Text-to-Image encryption algorithm (TTIE) is an encryption algorithm proposed for data encryption. The TTIE algorithm is used to map a given text into an image. The algorithm was analyzed and it was found that the dominant time is the storage time, i. e. , saving images on the hard disk). In this paper, it is analyzed that the TTIE algorithm on a single machine when a large data collection is used. A high running time is recorded. To overcome this problem a distributed TTIE (DTTIE) algorithm is proposed in order to investigate reducing the encryption time. In DTTIE a server is responsible for distributing a large data collection (5. 77 GBytes) among a cluster of nodes in a round robin fashion. Each node encrypts the document it receives into an image and then stores the resulting image on its local disk. In this paper the speed up of the proposed algorithm DTTIE is calculated.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Distributed encryption Algorithm Cluster of nodes Secured communication Encryption & Decryption Private key encoding.