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A New Approach to Distributed Energy - Efficient Cluster for Heterogeneous WSNs

by Praveen Sah, Shekhar Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 105 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Praveen Sah, Shekhar Kumar

Praveen Sah, Shekhar Kumar . A New Approach to Distributed Energy - Efficient Cluster for Heterogeneous WSNs. International Journal of Computer Applications. 105, 6 ( November 2014), 14-18. DOI=10.5120/18381-9620

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title = { A New Approach to Distributed Energy - Efficient Cluster for Heterogeneous WSNs },
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A wireless sensor network consists of inexpensive power constrained sensors collecting data from the environment and transmits it towards the base station in a concerted way. Energy saving and extending the network lifetime is one of the main challenge in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, the distributed Energy efficient clustering protocol is used to calculate the energy efficiency of the network. The existing DEEC was modified and developed to a new protocol called DTDEEC. DTDEEC allows more number of data to be sent from the base station to the cluster head in a particular time interval. Compared to DEEC, DTDEEC performs less delay for sending the data, hence increasing the energy efficiency of the heterogeneous network. Simulation results show that our purposed protocol performs better than the DEEC in terms of network lifetime and stability.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Clustering DEEC protocol Heterogeneous environment Energy-efficiency Wireless sensor networks