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A Survey of Test Framework

by Ebrahim Shamsoddin-motlagh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 105 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Ebrahim Shamsoddin-motlagh

Ebrahim Shamsoddin-motlagh . A Survey of Test Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 105, 4 ( November 2014), 21-26. DOI=10.5120/18365-9509

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Software Framework is a universal software platform in software application. A framework proposes to provide generic functionality of software. Best practice of framework will be used in very software application. A specific software application changes a framework and reuses it. With test framework improves the reusability of test environment. This paper reports a survey of recent research to test framework. These present in tow category: functional testing and non-functional testing. Functional testing is in unit testing frameworks, integration testing, regression testing and system testing. Some of researches present categorize to automatically test framework, these will be needed to research will report.

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Computer Science
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Software Testing Test Framework Survey Framework