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Source Code Plagiarism Detection SCPDet: A Review

by Tapan P. Gondaliya, Hiren D. Joshi, Hardik Joshi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 105 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Tapan P. Gondaliya, Hiren D. Joshi, Hardik Joshi

Tapan P. Gondaliya, Hiren D. Joshi, Hardik Joshi . Source Code Plagiarism Detection SCPDet: A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 105, 17 ( November 2014), 27-31. DOI=10.5120/18471-9897

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Internet has stored large amount of data, information [30] or source code. In this large amount of data or source code it is very difficult and time consuming task to find out the similarity or plagiarism in the source code, research publications in academic. [1] In this paper here we describe the some of the techniques and algorithms for how to find out the plagiarisms in source code. So in large organization or academic institute can easily find out the plagiarism in source code and research publications using this technique. We also differentiate all the techniques of plagiarism for find out how can one technique is differing then the other as well.

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  12. Figure 6 is taken from this URL:https://moodle. org/pluginfile. php/50/local_plugins/plugin_screenshots/513/screen2. png
  13. Figure7 is taken from this URL: :https://moodle. org/pluginfile. php/50/local_plugins/plugin_screenshots/513/screen3. png
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Plagiarism Source code Source code reuse Plagiarism Detection System