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An Algorithm for Retrieving Skyline Points based on User Specified Constraints using the Skyline Ordering

by Jasna S, Manu J Pillai
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 104 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Jasna S, Manu J Pillai

Jasna S, Manu J Pillai . An Algorithm for Retrieving Skyline Points based on User Specified Constraints using the Skyline Ordering. International Journal of Computer Applications. 104, 11 ( October 2014), 24-29. DOI=10.5120/18248-9320

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title = { An Algorithm for Retrieving Skyline Points based on User Specified Constraints using the Skyline Ordering },
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Given a multidimensional data set, a skyline query returns the interesting points that are not dominated by other points. The actual cardinality (s) of a skyline query result may vary substantially from the desired result cardinality (k). An approach called skyline ordering is used that forms a skyline based partitioning of a given data set, it provides an ordering among the partitions. The constrained skyline query results the skyline points that may be too small in some cases. The paper proposes a new method for finding the arbitrary number of points for the constrained skyline query. The skyline ordering algorithm and size constrained skyline ordering algorithm are used for developing the algorithm. The results of experiments of algorithm show that the proposed scheme yields an efficient and scalable resolution of arbitrary size constraints on constrained skyline queries. By comparing the existing and proposed system, the proposed system is efficient in returning the arbitrary number of skyline points.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Constrained Skyline Query Skyline Queries Skyline Order