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An Investigational Analysis of Different Approaches and Techniques for Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Network

by K. Nagarathna, Jayashree D.mallapur
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 103 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: K. Nagarathna, Jayashree D.mallapur

K. Nagarathna, Jayashree D.mallapur . An Investigational Analysis of Different Approaches and Techniques for Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 103, 5 ( October 2014), 18-28. DOI=10.5120/18071-9016

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Time synchronization is one of the important research aspect from past decade due to its close correlation on quality of service (QoS) attributes in wireless sensor network (WSN). One of the challenging issues is addressing time synchronization is that different WSN applications have particular QoS demands that varies from throughout, delay, channel capacity, and protocol efficiency. In order to achieve maximized QoS parameters in optimal use of energy various soft computing approaches towards coverage, connectivity, routing, aggregation and fusion etc. are in the main focus of the researchers, whereas in a real life scenario all the soft computing approaches faces serious discrepancies in performance as these protocol do not suggest and correlate the issues related to the time synchronization challenges in wireless sensor network. This paper discusses every technical aspect from fundamental level of challenges in time synchronization in WSN, its type and approaches of time synchronization in general to specific to the wireless sensor network. It also highlights the open issues and future directions of the research. This paper will be one-handed reference article for the academician and researchers for time Synchronization issues and techniques.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Quality of Service Time Synchronization Wireless Sensor Network.