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Reseach Article

Sensor Information Management using Cloud Computing

by K. Surya Bharat, A.naga Priyanka
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 103 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: K. Surya Bharat, A.naga Priyanka

K. Surya Bharat, A.naga Priyanka . Sensor Information Management using Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 103, 14 ( October 2014), 7-13. DOI=10.5120/18140-9330

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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and cloud computing are the present day technologies which enable novel and attractive solutions for information gathering and accessing it across the globe. There is a meticulous research going on in the labs and universities on these areas. However there are obstacles that must be overcome before the full potential of this can be realized. One such obstacle is the sensor data cannot be accessed globally. The insight of this paper is to elaborate and analyze the critical issues in WSN and which can be solved by integrating it with the cloud. The main objective of this paper is to make sensor data available across the globe and reduce the maintenance costs.

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  36. Yanlei Diao, Deepak Ganesan, Gaurav Mathur, and Prashant Shenoy "Rethinking Data Management for Storagecentric Sensor Networks"
  37. Ousmane Diallo, JoelJ. P. C. Rodrigues , MbayeSene "Real-time data management on wireless sensor network: A survey".
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing Wireless Sensor Networks Information management using cloud Sensor management Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).