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Entropy Variation and J48 Algorithm based Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Computing

by Nupur Gautam, Sreeja Nair
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 103 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Nupur Gautam, Sreeja Nair

Nupur Gautam, Sreeja Nair . Entropy Variation and J48 Algorithm based Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 103, 11 ( October 2014), 8-14. DOI=10.5120/18116-9350

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Now Cloud Computing has achieved formidable impetus where IT infrastructures and applications are provided as service to end users. It provides shared pool of resources in addition with Data storage, computer processing power and specialized corporate and user applications. Users can access Cloud services any time anywhere and store large amount of data from anywhere, due to increases the popularity of Cloud computing there is risk of Security. Data which is stored on cloud may be vulnerable which is easy for attackers to compromise the virtual machines as zombies and explore these vulnerabilities in cloud system. Because when we move data or information in cloud we do not have any control on that data which can be handling by third party. Hence, there is the vital requirement of more security measures to protect cloud. In this paper we propose an Intrusion detection system which is based on Entropy variation and J48 Decision tree algorithm through which we can detect or prevent vulnerable virtual machines, Data center and Host from being compromised in the cloud also we can protect data and applications in Cloud like wide area network traffic. This proposed solution results gives more accuracy for attack detection and low false alarm rate. For simulation we use Cloud Sim (version 3. 1) and used KDDCUP '99 Dataset to evaluate rules and testing datasets to detect intrusion.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Attacks and Security issues in Cloud Entropy Variation J48 Algorithm KDDCUP'99 dataset Cloud Sim.