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Survey of Integrity Verification in Multi-Cloud Storage by Efficient Cooperative Provable Data Possession

by Trilok Singh Pardhi, Rajeev Pandey, Uday Chourasia
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 102 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Trilok Singh Pardhi, Rajeev Pandey, Uday Chourasia

Trilok Singh Pardhi, Rajeev Pandey, Uday Chourasia . Survey of Integrity Verification in Multi-Cloud Storage by Efficient Cooperative Provable Data Possession. International Journal of Computer Applications. 102, 8 ( September 2014), 26-28. DOI=10.5120/17836-8716

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%A Trilok Singh Pardhi
%A Rajeev Pandey
%A Uday Chourasia
%T Survey of Integrity Verification in Multi-Cloud Storage by Efficient Cooperative Provable Data Possession
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Provable data possession (PDP) is one of the techniques to ensure the integrity of data in storage outsourcing. Here in this paper, we speak to the creation of an efficient PDP method for distributed cloud storage to maintain the scalability of service and data migration. On the basis on homomorphic verifiable response and hash index hierarchy we projected a cooperative PDP (CPDP) method. We confirm the security of our method based on multi-prover zero-knowledge proof scheme, which can satisfy knowledge soundness, fullness , and zero-knowledge properties. As well, we expressive performance optimization mechanisms for our method, and in particular present an capable method for selecting finest parameter values to reduce the addition expenses of storage service providers and client. Our experiment shows that our solution introduces lower addition and communication overheads in evaluation with non-cooperative approaches.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Scalability Data Migration Homomorphic Multi-Prover