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RS-MONA: Reliable and Scalable Secure Method to Store and Share Secrete Data for groups in Cloud

by Sunita R. Patil, Sandeep Kadam
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 102 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Sunita R. Patil, Sandeep Kadam

Sunita R. Patil, Sandeep Kadam . RS-MONA: Reliable and Scalable Secure Method to Store and Share Secrete Data for groups in Cloud. International Journal of Computer Applications. 102, 3 ( September 2014), 13-17. DOI=10.5120/17794-8595

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title = { RS-MONA: Reliable and Scalable Secure Method to Store and Share Secrete Data for groups in Cloud },
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issue_date = { September 2014 },
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%T RS-MONA: Reliable and Scalable Secure Method to Store and Share Secrete Data for groups in Cloud
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This paper presents various issues related to privacy and security while storing user's data on untrusted cloud. In today's world Sharing of group resource among the cloud users is a major problem. There is a lot of research being made to find out the issues with these cloud service providers and cloud security in general. In this paper system proposes a secure multi-owner data sharing scheme, for dynamic group in the cloud. By providing group signature and encryption techniques, any cloud user can securely share data with others. The main objective of this paper include: to provide security for dynamic group system integrates Image based authentication and one time password (OTP) to achieve high level of security. In addition system identified some limitations in the same approach in terms of reliability and scalability . To resolve the drawbacksystem extends the basic MONA by adding the reliability as well as improving the scalability by growing the backup group managers dynamically. In this method System further presenting how system manage the risks like failure of group manager by increasing the number of backup group manager, sagging of group manager in case number of requests more . This method claims required reliability ,security,scalability and most importantly efficiency.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing reliability integrity one time password authentication