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Low Probability Cluster Head Selection Energy Efficient Routing in MANET using DEEC

by Swati Shamkuwar, Vimal Shukla, Navneet Manjhi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 102 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Swati Shamkuwar, Vimal Shukla, Navneet Manjhi

Swati Shamkuwar, Vimal Shukla, Navneet Manjhi . Low Probability Cluster Head Selection Energy Efficient Routing in MANET using DEEC. International Journal of Computer Applications. 102, 14 ( September 2014), 14-19. DOI=10.5120/17882-8771

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%A Navneet Manjhi
%T Low Probability Cluster Head Selection Energy Efficient Routing in MANET using DEEC
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Mobile Ad-hoc Network is the prominent area of research to make wireless networking more robust and reliable for packet delivery among nodes of a small or big network through wireless channel. The routing protocols are also designed to keep in mind that the energy consumption of wireless nodes should be as minimum as possible. In MANET most of the devices are battery operated and saving energy increases the lifetime of the node to transfer information over network, in such case the routing protocol plays important role to increase the network lifetime. In this paper an efficient routing methodology is proposed which significantly increases the network lifetime. Here the distributed energy efficient clustering (DEEC) routing protocol is used with low probability cluster head selection approach, which enhances the network lifetime better than simple DEEC.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DEEC Routing Cluster Head(CH) Energy Efficient Routing Low Probability Selection and MANET.