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Reseach Article

Improving the Cluster Efficiency on Sea Level Rise Dataset using Data Discretization

by Sharon Dominick, T. Abdul Razak
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 102 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Sharon Dominick, T. Abdul Razak

Sharon Dominick, T. Abdul Razak . Improving the Cluster Efficiency on Sea Level Rise Dataset using Data Discretization. International Journal of Computer Applications. 102, 13 ( September 2014), 15-18. DOI=10.5120/17875-8856

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title = { Improving the Cluster Efficiency on Sea Level Rise Dataset using Data Discretization },
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%T Improving the Cluster Efficiency on Sea Level Rise Dataset using Data Discretization
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Rising sea levels, an effect of global warming, is a cause of concern and it is likely to affect the developing countries. With respect to the data set published for research at the World Bank, clustering a data mining technique is applied to detect the most likely to be affected regions. When tested with the k-Means clustering technique, the result of the clustering process reveals a lot of imperfections; this research analyzes the use of data discretization to improve the quality of the clustering process.

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  11. http://www. nrdc. org/globalwarming/fcons/fcons4. asp.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Discretization Clustering Partitioning vulnerable.