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Reseach Article

Forward Engineering based Implementation of TOS in Social Networking

by Nitish Pathak, Girish Sharma, B. M. Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 102 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Nitish Pathak, Girish Sharma, B. M. Singh

Nitish Pathak, Girish Sharma, B. M. Singh . Forward Engineering based Implementation of TOS in Social Networking. International Journal of Computer Applications. 102, 11 ( September 2014), 33-38. DOI=10.5120/17861-8757

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title = { Forward Engineering based Implementation of TOS in Social Networking },
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%A Girish Sharma
%A B. M. Singh
%T Forward Engineering based Implementation of TOS in Social Networking
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The present generation of youth begins the day with the Facebook or other social website. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world make use of social websites, Internet portals, blogs, Wikis, etc. These sites such as MySpace, Facebook and YouTube have the essential features and equipped with the necessary computing facilities to keep gigantic online communities get going with secure manner. Due to rapid growth of networking, use of social networking sites in day to day life, data sharing, computer security has made a vital part of computer research & development. For maintaining the security in various applications like E-commerce Online goods and services, Banking, Marketplace services Advertising, Auctions, Comparison shopping, Mobile commerce Payment, Ticketing, An electronic payment system (EPS),Online insurance policy management, we have to use high secured operating systems. In this regard a number of extremely secure operating systems i. e. Trusted Operating Systems like SELinux, Argus, Trusted Solaris, Virtual Vault have been developed by companies such as Argus-Systems Group, Hewlett-Packard, and Sun Microsystems to handle the increasing need of security. Normally, due to high security reason these operating systems are being used in defense. But still these secure operating systems have limited scope in commercial sector and are not popular in corporate due to lower performance; actually this security will come at a cost. In this paper we will propose SPF Model to maintain the balance between security and performance for these operating systems. This SPF model of TOS can be implement for various applications. For implementation of these SPF based trusted operating system we propose object oriented based Code generation i. e. forward engineering i. e. process of generating source code from one or more OO Rational Rose model for web application like social networking. In this research paper we will discuss the issues and UML-based software development solutions for SPF to manage the security, performance and modeling for Social networking sites.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


SPF- Security Performance Flexibility Software architecture UML Code generation SELinux- Security-Enhanced Linux OO Rose Mode-Object Oriented Rose Model TOS -Trusted Operating System