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Reseach Article

A Framework for Reducing Impediments in Agile Projects

by Radha Shankarmani, S. S Mantha, Vinaya Babu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 102 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Radha Shankarmani, S. S Mantha, Vinaya Babu

Radha Shankarmani, S. S Mantha, Vinaya Babu . A Framework for Reducing Impediments in Agile Projects. International Journal of Computer Applications. 102, 11 ( September 2014), 7-14. DOI=10.5120/17857-8719

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%A S. S Mantha
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%T A Framework for Reducing Impediments in Agile Projects
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Agile methodologies are at present widely used in industry. Many agile software development metrics are irrelevant to practitioners since they are dependent on the scope or content [Fenton and Neil, 2000]. Currently estimation is done by the team for each of the prioritized features [1] in order to commit to the number of features that can be implemented in each sprint. Each sprint is time-boxed; meaning the time to deliver is fixed. Risk in agile development is failing to deliver planned features in each sprint. There could be many reasons for not being able to deliver. Two of the reasons are discussed in this paper; one being incorrect time estimation and the other reason could be technical impediments. Actually the time taken to complete the task (feature implementation) depends on the proficiency of the development team and there has been no publication on estimation based on how and when to measure this. This is one of the gaps the research paper is trying to address. The scrum master assists the team in removing the impediments that obstructs the progress. In other words scrum master helps in facilitating productivity [2]. Hence, preparedness to resolve impediments as and when it arises is essential. This second risk is addressed by using semantic agents which is discussed in this paper.

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  2. www. scrummethodology. com/the-scrummaster-role/
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  4. http://guide. agilealliance. org/guide/daily. html.
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  14. Protègè OWL : http://protege. stanford. edu/overview/protege-owl. html
  15. Mike Griffiths," The Top Five Software Project Risks", http://www. projectsmart. co. uk/top-five-software-project-risks. html
  16. Vasant honavar," Tutorials- Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems", IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1999
  17. Jin Pan, Stephen Cranefield and Daniel Carter, "A Lightweight Ontology Repository", International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS'03, 2003
  18. http://info. thoughtworks. com/rs/thoughtworks2/images/twebook-perspectives-estimation_1. pdf
  19. Colucci, S. ; Di Noia, T. ; Di Sciascio, E. ; Donini, F. M. ; Mongiello, M. ; Mottola, M"A Formal Approach to Ontology-Based Semantic Match of Skills Descriptions" Journal of Universal Computer Science Vol. 9, No. 12 2003,pp. 1437-1454
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  21. Jørgensen, M. "A Review of Studies on Expert Estimation of Software Development Effort"
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Agile project impediments semantic agents estimation ontology