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An Investigational Study of Energy Conservation Techniques in Hierarchical Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network

by Hemawathi.p, T G Basavaraju
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 101 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Hemawathi.p, T G Basavaraju

Hemawathi.p, T G Basavaraju . An Investigational Study of Energy Conservation Techniques in Hierarchical Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 101, 7 ( September 2014), 14-19. DOI=10.5120/17698-8673

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In the advent of wireless networking, wireless sensor network (WSN) has been a constant target of research due to its potential data aggregation techniques in hostile environment. Even after crossing more than a decade, wireless sensor network is still more under research and development and less on commercial deployment when it comes to large scale wireless environment. Although, there are various issues exists in WSN that ranges from quality of service to security policies, it was frequently seen that root cause of majority of the issues originates from the energy that backs up the sensor motes to transmit the data to base station. The past research work has witness massive volumes of algorithms using various sophisticated technologies in order to mitigate the issues of energy problems in sensor motes, however, till date none of the prior studies has yet been standardized and hence the issues of unwanted power depletion still persist because of numerous unsolved factors. This paper is an attempt to study only the prominent techniques that has been introduced in the past for energy efficiency exclusively for hierarchical routing protocols. A brief review of some prior Swarm Intelligence (SI) techniques is also given a special focus for the similar purpose in this paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor Network Hierarchical Routing Protocol LEACH battery power depletion Swarm Intelligence