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E-Governance in India: Definitions, Challenges and Solutions

by Puneet Kumar, Dharminder Kumar, Narendra Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 101 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Puneet Kumar, Dharminder Kumar, Narendra Kumar

Puneet Kumar, Dharminder Kumar, Narendra Kumar . E-Governance in India: Definitions, Challenges and Solutions. International Journal of Computer Applications. 101, 16 ( September 2014), 6-8. DOI=10.5120/17769-7408

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The Government of India is transcending from traditional modus operandi of governance towards technological involvement in the process of governance. Currently, the Government of India is in the transition phase and seamlessly unleashing the power of ICT in governance. The government is spending an enormous amount of finances in deployment of e-governance, but, are these efforts are going in the appropriate direction and leads towards intended results? What do the people percept from the concept of e-governance? What is the global perspective about perception of e-governance? What are the major challenges confronting the deployment of e-governance? In this attempt the authors have made an attempt to riposte aforesaid issues. Moreover, the authors have also suggested some plausible suggestions which may help in successful and sustainable deployment of e-governance in India.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-Government Interoperability Cloud computing NIC SOA Rural