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Optimizing the Path Traversed using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

by Devesh Batra, Pragya Verma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 100 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Devesh Batra, Pragya Verma

Devesh Batra, Pragya Verma . Optimizing the Path Traversed using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 100, 6 ( August 2014), 16-20. DOI=10.5120/17528-8098

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With the need of traversing a specified path in shortest time increases the demand of optimizing the route traversed. This optimization involves path or trajectory planning along with the implementation of an optimization algorithm. Several Swarm Intelligence techniques have been applied to solve the optimization problems. In this paper, we discuss the optimization achieved with the usage of one of the Swarm Intelligence algorithms namely, Artificial Bee colony Optimization. Implementation of Artificial Bee Colony Optimization helps in finding the shortest, collision-free path from a specified starting point to the predetermined destination or goal point with consideration to static or dynamic obstacles.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Path Planning Swarm Intelligence Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Static and Dynamic Obstacles Obstacle Detection Obstacle Avoidance