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Loop Free Convergence Achieved by Integrating LOLS with FCFR and Gives Lower Convergence Time than OSPF

by Rama Gaikwad, S. P. Pingat
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 100 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Rama Gaikwad, S. P. Pingat

Rama Gaikwad, S. P. Pingat . Loop Free Convergence Achieved by Integrating LOLS with FCFR and Gives Lower Convergence Time than OSPF. International Journal of Computer Applications. 100, 2 ( August 2014), 35-38. DOI=10.5120/17500-8042

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title = { Loop Free Convergence Achieved by Integrating LOLS with FCFR and Gives Lower Convergence Time than OSPF },
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The short-lived failures are reasonably common in IP networks, there are many ways with which local rerouting can be provided for high accessibility but most of them are for single link failure. Here, we are suggesting a Localized On-demand Link State (LOLS) routing to safeguard the forwarding continuity even with multiple failures restraining the propagation of failure information to just a few hops. LOLS cannot promise loop-free forwarding during route convergence and this is the motive why we are working on integrating Fast Convergence Fast Reroute (FCFR) practice with LOLS to ensure loop free rerouting and convergence even with many failures. Fast Convergence with Fast Reroute (FCFR), which uses a fast reroute design such as Not-Via and desires just one additional bit in the packet header with much less per-packet overhead. Integrating LOLS with FCFR is going to hold the excellence of LOLS of loop free forwarding and conquer downside of LOLS by ensuring loop free convergence.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Fast Reroute Failure Resilience Local Rerouting.