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ODSRP-LET: On-Demand Secure Routing Protocol based on Link Expiration Time

by Parul Singh, Gopal Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 100 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Parul Singh, Gopal Singh

Parul Singh, Gopal Singh . ODSRP-LET: On-Demand Secure Routing Protocol based on Link Expiration Time. International Journal of Computer Applications. 100, 13 ( August 2014), 14-23. DOI=10.5120/17585-8207

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In MANET, nodes (mobile devices) can move freely and hence the network changes it topology very frequently. Due to mobility of nodes, link expires and the node has to find another route for sending the data. So, that route must be found in which link does not expire before all the packets reach the destination. In this paper a new secure routing protocol is proposed, On-demand secure routing protocol based on LET (ODSRP-LET), which is based on Link Expiration Time (LET) for sending the data packets from source node to the destination node. The conventional routing protocols like AODV, DSDV, DSR, etc. sometimes form unreliable link which causes link breakage. To revive broken link, route maintenance activity is initiated which generates heavy control traffic. During link disconnection, loss of data packets also occurs. In this paper, a secure routing protocol is proposed which proposed to form a reliable link and link remain connected till all the packets reach the destination. The uninterrupted link time or link connectivity is determined using predicted Link Expiration Time (LET). With link reliability, security of data is also required. So, to provide security to the data of transmitted packets, asymmetric key cryptography (RSA algorithm) is used which provides confidentiality. On-demand secure routing protocol based on LET (ODSRP-LET) proposes to form reliable links to limit link disruptions. ODSRP-LET proposes to provide security as well as reliability.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Link Expiration Time (LET) Security Packets Asymmetric Key Cryptography and Reliable