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Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management of Pune City using Geospatial Tools

by Nitin Mundhe, Ravindra Jaybhaye, Bhalchandra Dorik
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 100 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Nitin Mundhe, Ravindra Jaybhaye, Bhalchandra Dorik

Nitin Mundhe, Ravindra Jaybhaye, Bhalchandra Dorik . Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Management of Pune City using Geospatial Tools. International Journal of Computer Applications. 100, 10 ( August 2014), 24-32. DOI=10.5120/17562-8184

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Solid waste management is among the basic essential services provided by municipal authorities in the country to keep cities clean. Due to industrialization, rural to urban migration and high growth rate of population have induced rapid urbanisation in developing countries and obviously in India also. The haphazard urbanisation created acute problem of solid waste management. The per capita waste generation rate in India has increased from 0. 44 kg per day in 2001 to 0. 5 kg per day in 2011; such a steep increase in waste generation within a decade has severed the stress on all infrastructural, natural and budgetary resources. Pune is one of the fastest developing city, it generates total quantity of waste is about 1300 to 1400 metric tons per day. So, there is need of the proper waste collection, transportation route for prevention of environment form the hazardous waste disposal. The proposed work emphasizes on the assessment of detail process of solid waste management such as collection, storage, segregation, transportation, treatment and disposal by using Geospatial tools like RS, GIS and GPS. It may help in sustainable urban environment of Pune city.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


GIS GPS Remote Sensing Municipal Solid Waste Management Sustainable Urban Environment