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Article:Computer Applications in Power Electronic Systems

by Mahendran Nagalingam, Dr.G.Gurusamy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 10 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Mahendran Nagalingam, Dr.G.Gurusamy

Mahendran Nagalingam, Dr.G.Gurusamy . Article:Computer Applications in Power Electronic Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 10, 7 ( November 2010), 42-46. DOI=10.5120/1490-2007

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Computer Applications in Power System is place an important role to verify the system performance and real time monitoring systems. Most of the Electrical system uses LABVIEW and other software to monitor real time electrical transition. In this paper we are focusing on Power Electronic Conversion system. Power Electronic System is easily simulated using MATLAB Software. Here we are giving easy simulation of Matrix converter and its result. Clean power development in power electronic system is an emerging area of research in Electrical Engineering. Most of the power electronic system introduces harmonics in power system. Elimination of harmonic is a tedious process. Different control strategy should be developed to reduce the harmonic. In Rectifier fed Inverter system has many disadvantages because of DC link filter. Matrix converter avoids this DC link filter and output approaches input. In this paper we have simulated Single phase Matrix Converter. Computer based simulation using MATLAB and Real Time implementation using PIC89C51 validate its originality. Finally we have compared different values of Harmonics.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Matrix Converter Clean Power Rectifier fed Inverter Harmonics DC link filter PIC89C51 Computer Applications