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Reseach Article

Article:Roundtrip Engineering using Unified Modeling Language with Rational Rose and JAVA

by Dr.GSVP Raju, K.Koteswara Rao, M Sumender Roy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 10 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Dr.GSVP Raju, K.Koteswara Rao, M Sumender Roy

Dr.GSVP Raju, K.Koteswara Rao, M Sumender Roy . Article:Roundtrip Engineering using Unified Modeling Language with Rational Rose and JAVA. International Journal of Computer Applications. 10, 10 ( November 2010), 28-34. DOI=10.5120/1516-1896

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Sometimes documentation only available for the post delivery maintenance is the source code itself. This happens all too frequently when maintaining legacy systems, i.e. software in current use but developed not earlier than 15 or 20 years .Under these circumstances, maintaining the code can be extremely difficult. One way of handling this problem is to start with source code and attempt to recreate the design documents or even the specifications. This process is called Reverse Engineering. CASE tools can assist with this process. One of the simplest is a pretty printer, which may help display the code more clearly. Other tools construct diagrams such as flow charts or UML diagrams, directly from the source code, these visual aids can help in the process of design recovery.

  1. Pankaj Jalote ,” An Integrated Approach to Soft ware Engineering” 2 nd Edition , Narosa Publishing House,2004,Chapter-4 (Planning a Software Project),Pg no. 166-170. ISBN – 81-7319-271-5
  2. Roger S Pressmen, “Software Engineering - a Practitioner’s Approch” 6th Eddition Mc Graw Hill international Edition, Pearson education, ISBN 007 - 124083 - 7
  3. Waman S Jawdekar, “Software Engineering Principles and Practices” Tata Mc graw hill ISBN 0 -07 - 058371 – 4
  4. Walker Royce “Software Project Management - A unified frame work” 2nd Edition, low price Edition, ISBN 81 - 7758 - 378 - 6, pearson education
  5. Ian somarville, “Software Engineering” 5th Edition low price Edition, International Computer Science Series.
  6. Shari, Laurance, Pfleeger, “Software Engineering theory and practies” 2nd Edition, ISBN 81 - 7808 - 4589 - 7, low price edition.
  7. Carlo ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri Dino Mandrioli, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, PHI, ISBN 81 - 203 - 0865 .
  8. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh,Ivar Jacobson,” The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”Pearson Education,ISBN81-7758-371-7
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


UML Rational Rose roundtrip engineering source code documentation