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An Open Source Multi Agent System for Data Preprocessing of Online Software Bug Repositories

by Naresh Kumar Nagwani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Naresh Kumar Nagwani

Naresh Kumar Nagwani . An Open Source Multi Agent System for Data Preprocessing of Online Software Bug Repositories. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 8 ( February 2010), 55-59. DOI=10.5120/181-317

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Software bug repositories contain lot of useful information related to software development, software design and software’s common error patterns. Most of the projects use bug tracking system to manage the bugs associated with the software. These bug tracking system works as an online bug repositories, which can be accessed by all of the project members situated at different locations. Researches can also access these online bug repositories for exploring knowledge from them. In order to extract knowledge from software repositories some preprocessing mechanism is required to extract, parse and save the data locally from these online repository. To address this problem an open source multi agent system is proposed in this paper for the preprocessing of online software defect repositories. The proposed system is also implemented using the open source technologies. Software agents are independent software units and works intelligently and also getting very popular for current and future research, and hence the concepts of agents are included for preprocessing task and multi agent system is implemented. The implementation is done using open source application programming interfaces (API's) and also performance is evaluated for the implementation in terms of bug data fetch and parse timings.

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  5. Nagwani, N.K. Singh, P., "Bug Mining Model Based on Event-Component Similarity to Discover Similar and Duplicate GUI Bugs", Advance Computing Conference, 2009. IACC 2009. IEEE International, pp.1388-1392, 2009.
  6. Sushil Bajracharya, Joel Ossher, Cristina Lopes, "Sourcerer: An internet-scale software repository", Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on Search-Driven Development-Users, Infrastructure, Tools and Evaluation table of contents, pp. 1-4 , 2009.
  7. Xiaoyin Wang, Lu Zhang, Tao Xie, John Anvik and Jiasu Sun: An Approach to Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports using Natural Language and Execution Information, ACM, ICSE’08, May 10–18, 2008, Leipzig, Germany.
  8. BugZilla:
  9. Java Agent Development Framework JADE:
  10. Java : http://
  11. JAXP :
  12. JIRA:
  13. MySql :
  14. Perforce:
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Software bug repositories Multi agent system Fetching online bug repositories Parsing software bugs Preprocessing of online bug repositories