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Understanding User Behavior using Web Usage Mining

by V.V.R. Maheswara Rao, V. Valli Kumari, KVSVN Raju
journal cover thumbnail
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: V.V.R. Maheswara Rao, V. Valli Kumari, KVSVN Raju

V.V.R. Maheswara Rao, V. Valli Kumari, KVSVN Raju . Understanding User Behavior using Web Usage Mining. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 7 ( February 2010), 55-61. DOI=10.5120/162-286

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title = { Understanding User Behavior using Web Usage Mining },
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issue_date = { February 2010 },
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Web usage mining is about analyzing the user interactions with a web server based on resources like web logs, click streams and database transactions. It helps in discovering the browsing patterns of the user and in relating the pages visited by him. This knowledge can be of help in making business decisions, refining the web site design to derive personalized pages. Web usage mining uses the data mining and the incremental mining techniques to extract the user usage patterns and study the visiting characteristics of the user. Normally, the source for all this data is the web server log, which changes dynamically. Conventional data mining techniques were proposed to be inefficient, as they need to be re-executed every time the log changes which in turn requires multiple database scans.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
