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Reseach Article

Document Image Retrieval: An Overview

by Jayapal R, J.K.Mendiratta
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Jayapal R, J.K.Mendiratta

Jayapal R, J.K.Mendiratta . Document Image Retrieval: An Overview. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 7 ( February 2010), 114-119. DOI=10.5120/152-274

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The economic feasibility of creating a large database of document image has left a tremendous need for robust ways to access the information. Printed documents are scanned for archiving or in an attempt to move towards a paperless office and are stored as images. In this paper, we provide a survey of methods developed by researchers to access document images. The survey includes papers covering the current state of art on the research in document image retrieval based on images such as signature, logo, machine-print, different fonts etc.

  1. S.Djeziri, F.Noubound, and R.Plamondon.1998.Extraction of Signature from Check background Based on A Filitormity Criterion. IEEE. Trans. Image processing, vol.7. no.10, pp.1424-1438.
  2. A. Dengel.1993.Initial of Document Structure. In Proc. IEEE Second Inf. Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp.86-90.
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  4. A.K. Jain and B. Yu.1998.Document Representation and Its Application to Page deposition. IEEE Trans. And Mach. Intell., vol.20, no.3, pp.294- 308.
  5. G. Nagy, S.Seth and M. Viswanathan.1992. A Prototype Document Image Analysis System for Technical Journals. IEEE Computer, vol.25, no.7, pp.10-22.
  6. Guangyu Zhu and David Doermann. Automatic Document Logo Detection. Institute for advanced computer studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
  7. S. Srihari, S. Shetty, S. Chen, H. Srinivasan and C. Huang.2006.Document Image Retrieval using Signatures as Queries. In Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Document Image Analysis for libraries (DIAL'06).
  8. C. Barges.1999.A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2(2):121-167.
  9. J.T.Favata and G. Srikantan.1996.A Multiple Feature Resolution Approach for Hand/ Printed Digit and Character Recognition. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 7:304-311.
  10. G. Srikantan, S. Lam, and S.Srihari.1996.Gradient Based Contour Encoding for Character Recognition. Pattern Recognition, 29(7):1147-1160.
  11. Hong Liu, Suoqian Feng, Hong bin Zha, Xueping Liu.2005. Document Image Retrieval Based On Density Distribution Feature and Key Block Feature. In Proceeding of 2005 conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'05).
  12. Abdullah Chalechale, Golshah Naghdy. Signature Based Document Retrieval. Faculty of information-papers, University of Wollongong.
  13. Shravya Shetty ,Harish Srinivasan , Matthew Beal and Sargur Srihari, "Segmentation and Labeling of Documents using Conditional Random Fields", Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition (CEDAR) , University of Buffalo, State University of New York.
  14. A. Balasubramanian, Million Meshesha and C.V. Jawahar.2006. Retrieval from Document Image Collections", Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  15. C.V.Jawahar, Million Meshesha, A. Balsubramanium.2004.Searching in Document Images.In Proc. of the 4th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, pp.622-627.
  16. Manesh Kokare, B.N.Chatterji and P.K.Biswas.2003. Comparison of Similarity Metrics for Texture Image Retrieval. In IEEE TENCON.
  17. Ritendra Datta, Dhiraj Joshi, Jiali, and James Z. Wang.2008. Image Retrieval: Ideas, influences, and Trends of the New Age. ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 40, no.2.
  18. D.Niyogi and S. Srihari.1997.The Use of Document Structure Analysis to Retrieve Information from Documents in Digital Libraries. In Proc. SPIE, Document Recognition IV, vol.3027, pp.207-218.
  19. Doermann, D.1998.The Indexing and Retrieval of Document Images: A Survey. Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU) 70, pp.287-298.
  20. Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval.1992 and 1993. University of Nevada, Las Veg s,
  21. Y.Tang, C.D.Ya, and C.Y.Suen.1994.Document Processing for Automatic Knowledge Acquisition. EEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol.6, no.1, pp.3-21.
  22. J. Liu and A.K.Jain.2000.Imaged-Based Form Document Retrieval.Pattern Recognition, vol.33, no.3, pp.503-513.
  23. Y.He, Z. Jiang, B. Liu, and H. Zhao.1999.Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval Method of Chinese Document Images. In Proc. Fifth Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'99), pp. 685-688.
  24. Yue Lu and Chew Lim Tan.2004.Information Retrieval in Document Image Databases. IEEE Tran. on Knowledge and Data Eng., vol.16, no. 11.
  25. Tanohiro Nakai, Koichi Kise, Masakazu Iwamura.2005. Camera Based Document Image Retrieval as Voting for Partial Signatures of Projective Invariants. Proceedings of the 2005 Eight International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.
  26. Sargur N. Srihari, Shravya Shetty, Gady Agam and Ophir Frieder.2006. Document Image Retrieval Using Signature as Queries. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL'06).
  27. L.R.B. Schomaker. Retrieval of Handwritten Lines in Historical Documents.
  28. A.L.Spitz.1997. Duplicate Document Detection. in Proc. SPIE, Document Recognition IV, vol.3027, pp.88-94.
  29. A.F. Smeaton and A. I. Spitz.1997.Using Character Shape Coding for Information Retrieval. In Proc. Fourth Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp.974 -978.
  30. A.L.Spitz.1999.Shape Based Word Recognition. Int' J.Document Analysis and Recognition. vol.1, no. 4, pp.178-190.
  31. A.L.Spitz.2002.Progress in Document Reconstruction. In Proc. 16th Int'l Conf. Pattern Recognition, vol.1, pp. 464-467.
  32. Shijian Lu, Linlin Li and Chew Lim Tan.2008.Document Image Retrieval through Word Shape Coding. IEEE Trans. Patt. And Mach. Intell., vol.30, no.11, pp1913-1918.
  33. S.Lu and C.L. Tan.2008.Retrieval of Machine-Printed Latin Documents through Word Shape coding. Pattern Recognition, vol.41, no.5, pp.1816-1826.
  34. B.Zhang, S.N. Srihari, and C.Hung. 2004. Word Image Retrieval Using Binary Features. Document Recognition and Retrieval XI, SPIE, San Jose, CA.
  35. Digital Image using MATLAB by Rafael C. Gonzales, Richard E. Words and Steven L Eddins, Low Price Edition, India.
  36. A. K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of, India.
  37. Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer.
  38. Ritendra Datta, Dhiraj Joshi, Jiali, and James Z. Wang.2008.Image Retrieval: Ideas, influences, and Trends of the New Age. ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 40, no.2, article 5.
  39. Guillaume Joutel, Veronique Eglin, Stephane Bres, and Hubert Emptoz.2007.Curvelets based features extraction of handwritten shapes for ancient manuscripts classification. Proc. of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol.6500, 65000D-1-11.
  40. Guangyu Zhu, Yefeg Zheng, and David Doermann.2008.Signature based document image Retrieval. ECCV, 2008, Part III, LNCS 5304, pp.752-765.
  41. Guangyu Zhu and David Doermann.2009.Logo detection for document image retrieval. 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, pp.606-610.
  42. Ehtesham Hassan, Santanu Chaudhury, and M Gopal.2009.Shape descriptor based document image indexing and symbol recognition. 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, pp.206-210.
  43. Jilin Li, Zhi-Gang Fan, Yadong Wu and Ning Le.2009. Document image retrieval with local features sequences. 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, pp.346-350.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Document image retrieval Query image based-document retrieval Information Retrieval Word searching